The day before yesterday I ran CrystalDiskInfo, and the thermometer said 42°C. Yesterday it said 48°C, and today it is shouting 58°C (you can cook a roast-beef at this temperature)!! - each time after approx 2 hours from Start.-Curt
-this problem suddenly became a potential life-threatening problem!
I had never heard about the Microsoft Windows 7 program
Task Host until today. Windows Media Player was filling my ears with sweet sounds, and was the only program doing any work worth mentioning, when suddenly I needed to leave in a hurry. So I clicked "Start" > "Exit", and went off.
Being asked later on if I could do this and that, I felt I needed to get some warmer cloth because winter just came back this morning, so I quickly returned to my home. Lucky me! To my big and sad surprise, I found Windows "
waiting for Task Host window to close"!
Why "lucky me"? Because, if I haven't returned, my hard drives could have caught fire (seriously!) and burned down the house and killed a hundred and seventeen people. And their relatives and their assurance companies would have chased me to the end of the world... All because someone somewhere made a pooh, or didn't.
task host's job is to end and close programs, and stop tasks already running. It has no window. Well, it
had no window. Get me right; it may have a window in certain circumstances, but it did not display any window at this particular moment, because there was no window at all to see. So why wait for something that is not going to happen in the first place? I don't know if you are familiar with an old book called "Catch 22", but in my imagination this situation already was building up to become a Catch 22 situation! I accept it as a fact that it merely was in my imagination, because in real life I simply clicked the "force"-button, of course.
And now to my question...: On former editions of Windows we could have some third party application to
force programs to exit, preventing this "never-closing Windows". Please name such a useful program (or
setting?) for my 64-bits Windows 7 Home Premium. I can't remember any relevant application names at the moment, so I need
your help again.