Beat me to it - worth it for Beat Hazzard Ultra, Night Sky and Solar 2 IMHO - I know others will prefer Dungeon Defenders!-Carol Haynes (March 06, 2013, 09:34 AM)
Beat me to it - worth it for Beat Hazzard Ultra, Night Sky and Solar 2 IMHO - I know others will prefer Dungeon Defenders!-Carol Haynes (March 06, 2013, 09:34 AM)I've seen Solar 2 on Steam and it has piqued my interest from time to time, but I could never really tell what it was about or how fun it would be from the video/screenshots. So last night I installed it on my Galaxy Nexus and intended to run it for just a minute or two to check it out real quick before going to bed. The next thing I knew, 45 minutes had passed by and I was still enthralled. It's a good game. -Deozaan (March 06, 2013, 04:30 PM)