eWallet for Windows is on
sale today at BitsduJour for $7.98.
eWallet is a secure database system with a deceptively simple interface that can be used to store just about any kind of text information and lets the user customize most aspects of how that information is displayed. You can have any number of independent databases, any of which can be synced individually with the Android and iOS versions over a WiFi network.
I've been using eWallet since my Treo PDA -- before what we now call smartphones existed at all. I use it to keep not just passwords, but nearly any kind of sensitive or important information that I may need to look up quickly.
If your only use for a password manager is logging into web sites, you are probably better off with something like Roboform or Lastpass, but as a secure information manager, I have yet to see anything that works as well, or provides as much flexibility.