I'm using Vista Home Premium, UAC On, user account, and CHS is installed as portable in a "no-install" directory. This works for me:
@echo off
start "CHS" "c:\NoInst\ClipboardHelpAndSpell\ClipboardHelpAndSpell.exe"
The command window flashes on screen momentarily, then disappears, and CHS loads correctly. I looked at the syntax for START. In part it shows:
START ["title"] [/D path] [/I] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/SEPARATE | /SHARED]
[/AFFINITY <hex affinity>] [/WAIT] [/B] [command/program]
"title" Title to display in window title bar.
I originally tried
start "c:\NoInst\ClipboardHelpAndSpell\ClipboardHelpAndSpell.exe"
and found the window title was actually "c:\NoInst\ClipboardHelpAndSpell\ClipboardHelpAndSpell.exe". That made me wonder if "title" is now obligatory, though now, with the ersatz title, it just says cmd.exe. Still not as neat as I'd like as I'd prefer the cmd window not to flash on screen. Are you running a scheduler, or something with a scheduler in it, like PowerPro? If so, could you use that instead? In that case, you could probably run a .lnk instead of a batch.