@IainB : Thanks for your suggestions.

I have already tried Update scanner in the past. It is not enough useful for me.
My request is old but it is still a needed one!

For the moment I am still using yahoo pipes (I often use it to keep only feed titles ; or getting the full content of a few urls) and website watcher in order to receive emails (about 2000 bookmarks monitored - I can also get for instance : only one big email every 12 hours for rssfeed bookmarks that are checked every hour - the current website watcher maximum limit being 99 items for a bookmark). (*)
I also use Yahoo Pipes with
http://ifttt.com/ (in order to receive emails when a new item is available in the rss feed created with yahoo pipes).
Furthermore, Yahoo pipes have some usage limits :
200 runs (of a given Pipe) in 10 minutes
200 runs (of any Pipe) from an IP in 10 minutes
If you exceed the 200 runs in a 10 minute block, your Pipe will be 999'ed for a hour.
We currently are not raising rate limits. This may change in the future.http://pipes.yahoo.c...?doc=troubleshootingSo sometimes, ifttt has some errors. See in the activity log I often have "General Trigger Error" or "Trigger Initialization Timeout". Note: They check rss feeds every 15 minutes and it is free.

note: I also use the free-ad-supported plan
http://blogtrottr.com/ for other rss feeds (outside yahoo pipes, because it can only check it once a day
The main idea is still to create something similar for windows to yahoo pipes rss feeds or the more visual and easier (but often offline!)
http://open.dapper.net/ !

If a software developer comes by here : be welcomed !

Thanks in advance

(*) In order to do that, the basic trick in Website Watcher is to : double left click on a rss bookmark checked every hour / choose the "new version" / copy the url starting by C:\ / create a new bookmark and paste the url and check it every 12 hours/ then remove the send an email with the one hour check bookmark + keep the most recent 99 articles in both bookmarks.