It's a bad trend to be sure. And the only way to stop it will be if people seriously push back.
Do we see well known Windows practices now slop over to Linux as well? Welcome to the wonderful modern times. 
Not really.

isn't Linux anymore. They now refer to themselves as
The Ubuntu Operating System. And they play fast and loose with open software principles when it suits them to do so.
This is from their website:

Better yet - here's how they speak about open source. Plenty of big players are mentioned up front. But not the Free Software Foundation or the Linux Foundation. Nor do you see any reference to GPL or GNU Project. If you didn't know better you might almost think Canonical (Ubu's parent company) was running the whole show and paying for most of it! See below:
Is new Ubuntu 12.10 spyware?Here's an 'extra credit' activity: Go to See how long it takes you to find the word Linux anywhere on their website.