In one sense, the only things secret cabals can do is use money to get power and use power to make more money, so they can have at it.-TaoPhoenix
Just limiting it to this statement instead of questions about any specific cabals or conspiracies:
If you follow this sense, you'll see money works first and foremost not to be spent but to be hoarded. Once it's hoarded, the only part about using money and getting power that deals with make more money is the part about make more people believe you make more money so they think their investments/salaries/economy is legitimate and safer to be acquired.
Even with public legal cabals...say corporations, it gets to the point where it's not about making money (that's a given) but preventing people from making choices besides ones that support them including setting up dangerous alternatives.
It's safe to predict then that a secret cabal would be more interested in your food, your milk, your capability to make torrenting more socially acceptable, your ability to block out news about US drone attacks, your ability to be on TV than your employment.
Follow that sense and you'll end up at the pump of low level corruption. Yes the root is different but can't fix "cabal genes" modified low level corruption if high level intervention exists and is invested more in maintaining modified low level corruption than you are at being grumpy of your employment.
Of course I'm not one to believe in secret cabals much less wasting time on them.