I prefer chromium to google chrome. Essentially chromium is the open source browser that google uses as a starting point. Then they add some stuff to track you. All the extensions for chrome I've tried have worked with chromium. Also you can get a chrome-win32.zip file that doesn't require an install.
There are always sites that work better with one browser than another. So I have Firefox for secondary browser and also have Opera. But I use chromium 9 times out of 10.
Chromium has a lot of functionality built in. That was what attracted me to Opera back in the day. I ran Opera 8.51 for years after everyone upgraded to newer versions.
Chromium has a nice feature where you can set it to block all plugins. If you want to play a clip or sound sample, you just right click on it then click to enable playing that item. Saves the trouble of white listing sites etc.. For the very few sites that don't like the delay while I right click, I just open Firefox.
The main selling point for me with chromium is it loads off the drive pronto! I set it to open to a blank page. Even if my HD is busy, such as dong a malware scan, chromium comes right up. Firefox I used to run out of a ram disk to get a similar response. There may be bad things about chromium. But it is fast. No doubt there.