I bought this a while back and was really irritated that way it pushes its way into your whole system: filetypes, menus, macros in Office docs etc. all without any options in setup.
One particular annoyance was that on installation it claimed just about every file type you could think of as its own (there were no options in the setup program). When I complained to the support team and asked how I could install it without this happening they told me it didn't do that (well why did all my JPEG, TIFF, BMP etc. files have OP icons and load OP then) and that if I didn't want that I could always edit the extension properties. At that point I gave up and asked for a refund.
I had been a happy user of OmniPage 11 and thought it was perhaps time to update. Having tried version 15 I could see very little difference from version 11 (bad sign that 4 versions go by and you can't see any difference).