Just copy the XCOPY line into Notepad, and save it as "Backup.cmd" (including the quotation marks, or it will end up a text file). Now make a shortcut to it to put on your desktop and change the icon, and you're good to go. And maybe add it to Scheduler to have it run automatically every night.
Yes, but XPCOPY is not able to see IF the file has been REALLY updated aka NOT only the DATE but ALSO the inner contents!!!
BUT, if you want to use COPY and log it onto a living window, you can use Fbsl to execute and pipe in perfect sync
Dim %hEdit = Fbsl_control("edit", Me, "", 1, 0, 0, 160, 250, 0x50310084, 0)
Fbsl_SetText( Me, "Copy..." )
Resize(Me, 0, 0, 170, 280 ): Center(Me): Show(me)
Dim $buf = StrPipe("CMD.EXE /C DIR c:\DDE\*.* | copy /Y /V c:\DDE\*.* d:\Temp\" )
Fbsl_SetText( hEdit, buf )
MsgBox( Me, "Operation completed!", "CHECK POINT", MB_ICONINFORMATION )
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