I consider myself a "designer" (with the prefix of "web" I suppose), but the person that pays my wages likes to think I'm something more; which means he's always asking me to set up someone's domain on a host somewhere with the assumption I know what I'm doing. I do remind him that I don't know what I'm doing but he doesn't care - he can always set things up himself if he really has to; he'd just rather not have the bother.
I'd like to fully understand all this nameserver stuff, then I can at least understand what this bloke is saying when he starts going on about the A Records need changing to work with Google Mail (or whatever).
The problem is, I've tried reading a few guides but they aren't brain-dead enough for me to get a full mental picture of how everyting works. I need something that is patronisingly obvious (if possible) so I can see how all the dots connect.
It's like, I know enough to fill the the boxes to set something up, but I've no real idea of what's going on behind the scenes. If there's a problem with configurations, I'd like to be able to spot them or understand why they are so.
Are there any suitable guides or is it the kind of thing that will just make sense one day (maybe I've not made enough mistakes yet to form a picture of what's right or wrong).