DeVamp, download the latest Snap DB and install it. Then grab this file:
DeVamp_XML.zipExtract the DeVamp_XML.ahk file into the
export subfolder in your Snap DB install folder. If you don't have an
export subfolder, simply create one. Start Snap DB and populate it with data like in your first post. Filter it however you want and then choose the new menu option: File > Export to... > DeVamp_XML.ahk from the menu. The export script will then ask you where you want to save the resultant XML file. Keep in mind that you could edit the export script to automatically dump the XML file to wherever you want. Also, as I stated previously, you're not limited to AHK export scripts. You could use Perl, Python or anything that can take a filepath and read in a file.
One other thing. Since your XML specified UTF-8, that DeVamp_XML.ahk script assumes you're running some version of AHK_L in order to be able to write the file in UTF-8. If you are not using AHK_L, simply comment out the following line in the script:
FileEncoding, UTF-8
Let me know how it goes. Thanks.