For any Microsoft
OneNote users...
After posting this re
Windows 7 hotkeys reminder popup - AutoHotkey scriptThis can be a handy and time-saving script...
- I thought it might be useful/helpful to do a similar thing re the Microsoft OneNote hotkeys reminder popup that I referred to.
So here goes:
You could change the details in the script to display just those Hotkey combos that
you might want to be reminded of.
You could also organise them more nicely than I have.
The popup is invoked by pressing the Win+O hotkey combo. (Which was "free" or "unreserved" in my installation.)
The popup window can be closed by either clicking on the OK button or by pressing the ESC key.
Here's the script:
#o:: ; Display panel of OneNote hotkeys per OneNote Help
ONENOTE Hotkeys:
F11 - Toggle full page view
Ctrl+M - Open new OneNote window
Ctrl+Shift+M - Open a small OneNote window to create a side note
Ctrl+P - Print current page
Ctrl+N - Add new page at end of selected section
Ctrl+Shift+N - Add new subpage to current group of pages
Ctrl+A - Select all items (press several times to increase scope of selection)
Ctrl+Shift+A - Select the current page
Ctrl+A - {In a page group} select all pages in the group
Ctrl+Shift+( - Increase page tab size
Ctrl+Shift+) - Decrease page tab size
Alt+Shift+UpArrow - Move selected page tab up
Alt+Shift+DnArrow - Move selected page tab down
Ctrl+T - Move the insertion point to the page header.
Alt+PgUp - Go to first page in current visible set of page tabs
Alt+PgDn - Go to last page in current visible set of page tabs
PgUp - Scroll up in current page
PgDn - Scroll down in current page
Ctrl+Home - Scroll to top of current page
Ctrl+End - Scroll to bottom of current page
Ctrl+DnArrow - Go to next paragraph
Ctrl+UpArrow - Go to previous paragraph
Ctrl+Alt+UpArrow - Move insertion point up in current page, or expand the PgUp
Ctrl+Alt+DnArrow - Move insertion point down in current page, or expand the PgDn
Ctrl+Alt+LftArrow - Move insertion point left in current page, or expand the page to left
Ctrl+Alt+RtArrow - Move insertion point right in current page, or expand the page to right
Alt+DnArrow - Go to next note container
Home - Go to beginning of line
End - Go to end line
LftArrow - Move one character to left
RtArrow - Move one character to right
Alt+LftArrow - Go back to the last page visited
Alt+RtArrow Go forward to the next page visited
Alt+Ctrl+PLUS SIGN on numeric keypad - Zoom in
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+PLUS SIGN - Zoom in
Alt+Ctrl+MINUS SIGN on numeric keypad - Zoom out
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+HYPHEN - Zoom out
Ctrl+S - Save changes - unnecessary in OneNote
MsgBox, %TextOut%
Here's the popup: