New version prevents illegal characters from being used for the short description, since the short description is used as a file-name when a historical event is saved to disk.
Also, be aware that the conversion of the time from local PC time to UTC can have the effect of shifting the day's date forward 1 day. For example, if you entered December 28, 1970 11:57 PM and saved it while running the program on a PC set to Central Standard Time, when you clicked on the saved item in the listbox, you'll see the Date and Time change to Dec. 29, 1970 5:57 AM. Same moment in history, but the shift occurs because we've converted to UTC.
Also, be aware that one year is actually 365.25 days, which is why every 4 years is a Leap Year, and adds a 29th day to February. So if you're watching the one-year-elapsed-time mark arrive on one of your events, you're going to see this:
"0y" doesn't change to "1y" until the Days part of the elapsed time TimeSpan is 91.25.