Hello, it has been a bit long since the last update, but Qatapult is going on again : I had a neck ache after jumping badly on a trampoline, not that serious but it was painful enough that I couldn't work too much for some time... among others things. Don't worry everything is ok now
I've uploaded a new version that support multi elements arguments. The way it works is that you can CTRL+Enter on a argument, then it'll stack on the current arg. The default File commands 'Open', 'Delete', etc... handle this by running the command on each item, but you can define how you want your action to handle it :
As an example you could use it to create zip commands and things like that that operate on many files in one command. You can try it on File object in the first pane.
A quick way to multiple select files is to drop Files over the Qatapult interface from the file explorer. Qatapult will accept them when it's appropriate.
Rules define which argument can use multi. You can enable any argument to do that by adding a multi attribute to the argument type tag. Once a type is stacked, you can only stack objects of the same sort and only rules that support multi items will show up in the next pane. Here is how to define a rule that enable multi on the first arg :
<arg multi="1">TEXT</arg>
<lbl>Append to file</lbl>
<script>for(var i=0;i<qatapult.getArgItemCount(0);i++) appendtofile(qatapult.getArgValue(0,i,"text"),"plugins\\commands\\test.txt")</script>
I've also added a dialog box that warn you if there is a new Qatapult version available, so you won't need to come back here again and again to check if your version is up to date.