I've got some feedback.
I was just playing with the Habanero License Manager. I filled out some various information and checked some boxes and then suddenly a prompt popped up with a message something like:
"New Version detected, do you want to save it?"
Did that mean that it detected a new version of Habanero and it's asking me if I want to update to it? I had just created the Product Secret, was it talking about a new Product Secret? I had no idea what it was talking about but I clicked yes just to be safe. Then nothing happened. Or if something happened, it appeared as though nothing happened. I now see a LicenseManager.lic in the LicenseManager folder. I'm guessing that's the file it saved to? Is that even what happened due to this dialog prompt?
I hadn't previously saved the file, so I was expecting a prompt for what to name the license file.
I played around with the Manager some more and found out the dialog prompt in the first place was talking about the Product Version I entered in. Perhaps that dialog could be made clearer by saying something like "You added a new Product Version. Would you like to save these changes?"
It's not too late to try this instead! I would actually be very interested in knowing if this works in Mono, it should do but you just never know...
I don't yet know how to import DLLs into mono projects, so this isn't something I could just quickly try. I'll probably take some time to try it out though, but not today.