Hi DoCos,
firstly let me thank you for the kind words.
Secondly, the package (not yet downloadable because i'm in the process of packaging and setting up a webpage for it right now) is self-conatined. So nothing else is needed to download. Just the GUI package and you are set.
Thirdly: I neither compiled against anything directly nor have i changed/added anything in the Perceptual Diff utility code. The 3rd party stuff is just included as separate precompiled binary exe and dll files, unchanged as i got them from the authors homepage in the package. So you can still use the Perceptual Diff utility standalone without my GUI and or unpackage again and get back the original package (well to be honest, i stripped the source code files and some compiling instruction textfiles from my distribution package).
And MOST IMPORTANT! Of course i contacted the author Hector Yee before i have included his exe file in my package, informed him what i've done and about the NANY event and offered him to send him a pre-release version to have a look at it. And Hector responded to me with the following words (copied from his eMail):
I'm pretty sure you can distribute it as there are debian and ubuntu packages with it already, so not a problem. Plus I give you permission to distribute it as well just in case. Thanks for doing this!
And of course i give appropriate credits for Hectors utility and the GPL freeimage.dll that Hector uses in the about dialog of my GUI. I also will inform Hector again, if the page for my GUI is up, so he can link to it, if he wants, on his utility page. I'd appreciate this too, as this would give my GUI more prominence and maybe help more users to use it.
I think with all that i have done all i can do to "Give the king what the king deserves"

and i'm on the legal and morally bright side of life, isn't it?
Thanks for pointing that out and give me the chance to clarify and get more safety in not doing something wrong because some guys shared their thoughts about the legality. Any more concerns that you think i should consider?