Yeah, I don't have any problem with the documentation. I used the Bosrup page when applying overlib on in-house pages at my last corporate gig, over a decade ago, but that was me and that was then.
However Jim is a different matter. He needs a simple, "Connect tab A to slot B," kind of thing. He's a casual Web page creator with delusions of being a primo developer. He's pretty good at page design, just not so good at actually writing it. (To make matters worse - ? - he actually makes a living as a design consultant

And he has a penchant for getting hung up on one element to the exclusion of everything else. So I'm trying to find a simple[r] instruction set for him. Or, best, a GUI that'll create the code he wants so he can just paste it into the page source. I'm not Hellbent on using overlib,
per se, just looking for something that'll let him include his pop-ups with minimum effort. I've pointed him to the Macrides site, but that documentation, "... just confuses me." I'll give him the Bosrup site, but suspect the response will be the same. He's accustomed to
black box scripting and has no desire even to read a book about it, assuming there's one (1) extant, because, "Programming books are too confusing." As I said, he wants, "Connect tab A to slot B."