Liam McLennan's set appears to cover more basic ground and doesn't appear to be influenced much by jslint-ish concerns (e.g. placement of 'var', use of ++, etc.). On a minor note, I noticed some typos and spacing felt odd at times.
It uses
QUnit, so one can get some experience with that.
Also got quite stuck on the first part of the 'hasOwnProperty' test -- and looks like someone else did too: of this writing, the answer at StackOverflow doesn't work here, FWIW.
For this particular item, node.js' repl was not helpful -- it doesn't provide a browser context. A repl in a browser may not have helped either, as arrays had been modified by the test set specifically for testing...
SO has 'fruits.prototype' for the third element of keys -- here what worked was 'equalTo'