RunItOnce 1.0 as you might suspect is one of those utilities that adds a program to the Windows Registry RunOnce key. The most convenient usage is to add a shortcut to RunItOnce to the Windows SendTo Menu. Right click a program or batch that needs to be run before Windows is fully engaged, and select RunItOnce from the SendTo Menu.
Run with no arguments it presents a File Open Dialog to select a single file to add to the key. To avoid entries being overwritten in the case you may add several things to be run once, the base file name of the program path is appended to RunItOnce_ to generate a string value that should be unique. For example if you add MyPerfectBatch.cmd to the run once key, the string value in the key would be "RunItOnce_MyPerfectBatch" etc..
On next boot the program is run and Windows removes it from the Registry RunOnce key.
I made a little AHK script to delete all the index.dat files on the system drive. Rather than use Regedit or some other utility I figured I may as well make a convenient method to add items to the key.
Deleting all index.dat files requires scanning the entire partition. Not something you want to do on every boot. It's a good candidate for RunItOnce.
You may download RunItOnce from my current web page here: I updated the link to use my current web page. FavesSoft page has been removed.)