Magix Photo & Graphic Designer 5 silver till 24. Nov. 2011 for free"Photo & Graphic Designer 5 can be used free for 7 days. Register after 7 days and you will be able use the product unlimited for free.",
Install, run, go online, register, receive code, un-lock.
Of course they want your e-mail address to send you promotions. But i have two of them.
Download 360 MB
Install ca. 550 MB
Choose "Custom" during setup if you would like to disable ASK Toolbar (incl. ASK as Browser Search Provider, as Homepage)
Setup will unpack to %temp% and install:
Windows Installer 3.1
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable
Microsoft Windows Media Video 9 VCM
MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser
MSXML 6.0 Parser
Firebird SQL Server
MAGIX Photo Manager 10
MAGIX Screenshare
MAGIX Online Print Service
MAGIX Photo & Grafik Designer 5 (silver)
If you don't need this addons, go to unpack folder and delete this folders before installing:
%temp%\mgxpzw08o9d4d\addon\mos_msi (MAGIX Online Print Service)
(You will see message that something is not found during setup, but will still install)
You can also use UniExtract and then delete that folders and then start the setup by hand:
Or de-install this addons after the installation from control panel.
This is Xara Xtreme 5 and all works fine till now.
Software will be Hardware Footprint activatedFrom license_en-GB.txt:
you will receive an individual serial number
tailored for your CPU or your desktop
which you have to enter during installation.
With the serial number you can activate the software up to three times if this is necessary due to hardware/CPU exchange.
After this, MAGIX will make new activation codes available for your new CPU/hardware upon request.
So you can't reuse the same key on your second pc.