PropPage 1.1 is a Hotkey to open the Property Page for files or folders selected in Explorer.
You can specify the name of the Tab you wish to be in the foreground when the property page opens. As example, you can use the Tray Menu to set the Tab Name to Sharing. Select several folders in Explorer. Hit the hotkey. The Property Page for each should be open with the Sharing Tab in the foreground. If the Tab Name does not exist, the default opens.
Another command in the Tray Menu allows you to change the hotkey.
Also there's a "checked" option of Place Windows. If not checked Windows usually opens the Property Pages stacked in the same spot so it appears there's only one open. If Place Windows is checked, PropPage will attempt to unstack the property page windows after displaying them.
Basically all the info you need for usage is in the About Box.
Also see the included Readme.