Replication Steps:
1) In column A - put the dates of your input data (this can be in another location - but then you have to change the formula later)
2) In column B, for each date in column A - enter the text you want to associate with this date (again can be in another location, but must be next to the dates)
3) In cell C1 (again, this can be another location - however you will need to change the other locations from here relative to this cell - I am going to stop typing location stuff now), type 2011-01-01 (your first date)
4) In cell d1, "=C1+1", drag to I1
5) Copy c1:I1 to c3:I3
6) c3 "=I1+1"
7) Copy c3:I3 to c5:I5, c7:I7
In cell c2 "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(C1,$A$1:$B$100,2,0)),"",VLOOKUP(C1,$A$1:$B$100,2,0))" (Column A- dates from step 1, B-Text from step 2, 100 was chosen as upper limit - change if you need more (or less) than 100)
9) Copy C2 to D2:I2, C4:I4, C6:I6, C8:I8
Conditional formatting (I cannot remember how to do this in Excel 2003)
Set the date cells to be bold when the row below is non-blank.
The attachment should work (I have removed the 2007 conditional formatting and formulas - but I cannot test it for you).