could you do this: take the commandline that CHS would run, and run that manully under a dos window. does it produce the right output?
and when you try to run it from CHS, what error does it give you?
Here's what I did, but it's getting my head in a spin. Both these command lines - minor variations - work properly in a console window:
c:\DOS\Utils\mtrw.exe -q -n -w -o+ -b- -c- -i:SPELC_MT.MT test.txt > mod.txt
type test.txt | c:\DOS\Utils\mtrw.exe -q -n -w -o+ -b- -c- -i:SPELC_MT.MT >
So far, the batch file method in the earlier message seems to work perfectly. It's the only one that does. I also tried the following, to the point where I lost track of what I was doing:
Using MT to change the file in-place:Program/Script: c:\DOS\Utils\mtrw.exe
Arguments: -q -n -w -b- -c- -i:"c:\Users\R.J.
Input: Create %inifile%
Output: Read from %inifile%
Error RE-reading input file C:\NoInst\ClipboardHelpAndSpell\tmpin.txt (for tool
output, see tool config) -- nothing changed in file -- after tool run:
c:\DOS\Utils\mtrw.exe with params -q -n -w -b- -c- -i:"c:\Users\R.J.
Using MT to change the file in-place, ignore outfile:Program/Script: c:\DOS\Utils\mtrw.exe
Arguments: -q -n -w -b- -c- -i:"c:\Users\R.J.
Input: Create %inifile%
Output: Ignore
CHS reported Custom tool finished successfully, but it didn't do anything (no
Using redirection to make a new file:Program/Script: c:\DOS\Utils\mtrw.exe
Arguments: -q -n -w -o+ -b- -c- -i:"c:\Users\R.J. Bull\pcw\Spellchk\SPELC_MT.MT"
"%inifile%" > "%outfile%"
Input: Create %inifile%
Output: Read from %outfile%
Error reading output file C:\NoInst\ClipboardHelpAndSpell\tmpout.txt after tool run:
c:\DOS\Utils\mtrw.exe with params -q -n -w -o+ -b- -c- -i:"c:\Users\R.J.
Bull\pcw\Spellchk\SPELC_MT.MT" "%inifile%" >
As above but with redirection symbol wrapped in quotes, ">"Returned:
Error reading output file C:\NoInst\ClipboardHelpAndSpell\tmpout.txt after tool run:
c:\DOS\Utils\mtrw.exe with params -q -n -w -o+ -b- -c- -i:"c:\Users\R.J.
Bull\pcw\Spellchk\SPELC_MT.MT" "%inifile%" ">"
Reading from STDOUT;Program/Script: c:\DOS\Utils\mtrw.exe
Arguments: -q -n -w -o+ -b- -c- -i:"c:\Users\R.J. Bull\pcw\Spellchk\SPELC_MT.MT"
Input: Create %inifile%
Output: Read from STDOUT
ERROR: Previously launched tool is still running. Close that process before
continuing.Had to kill process. Later found an open and empty console window.
Send on STDIN, Read from STDOUTProgram/Script: c:\DOS\Utils\mtrw.exe
Arguments: -q -n -w -o+ -b- -c- -i:"c:\Users\R.J. Bull\pcw\Spellchk\SPELC_MT.MT"
Input: Send on STDIN
Output: Read from STDOUT
CHS reported Custom tool finished successfully, but it didn't do anything (no
Repeat: the batch file method worked OK. What have I missed?