What I am thinking about is a program which could split single txt files or all txt files in a given directory into smaller chunks. One would be able to set the size or number of the chunks. Such sliced portions would also be text files, with consecutive 001, 002, 003 etc numbering added to the file name (before the .txt extension).
What is also important is that the program should recognize text encoding correctly and retained it in the output chunks.
The chopped text files should be saved to individual folders which would be created automatically and named after each processed txt file.
I mean something like this:
> content of Input Folder = TextfileA.txt, TextfileB.txt, TextfileC.txt
> content of Output Folder =
- sub-folder TextfileA = TextfileA001.txt, TextfileA002.txt, TextfileA003.txt ...
- sub-folder TextfileB = TextfileB001.txt, TextfileB002.txt, TextfileB003.txt ...
- sub-folder TextfileC = TextfileC001.txt, TextfileC002.txt, TextfileC003.txt ...
The program could function as a standalone application, but also as a command line version (with a possibility to append it to the right-click menu) which would surely enhance its functionality.
I know some free programs which can do the splitting pretty well, like TextSplit on sourceforge.net (yields very good results and allows selection of text encoding, but has no console version, processes one file at a time only, and its settings cannot be saved) or TextFileSplitter by SystemWidgets (can split multiple files in a directory, but has problems with the correct encoding of the resultant chunks).
So, what I'd be grateful for is a program which could do the text splitting the right way and would also save me trouble renaming and sorting the output files.
I hope this is a feasible task and I am looking forward to hearing from you, ingenious minds.
Best regards,