Sorry, I think I posted in the wrong place before so this is a double post but hopefully now where it should be...?
I run an application called 'Stickies' which is a very well known , very popular desktop sticky / notes application. However whereas Ditto will paste directly into a desktop 'sticky' note, EE will not - other than using a 'manual' Ctrl-V. Any thoughts on that?
(a) Can you give me the link for this application? I'd have to run it to see what happens. There are several reasons pasting might not work.
(b) When you paste in Stickies, does it work with Ctrl+V and Shift+Insert? Or only one of these key combinations?
(c) Try: Tools -> Preferences -> Pasting clips -> PasteMethod. By default this is set to Ctrl+V. Try changing it to Shift+Insert and see if it helps. (Although this might affect other applications).
The ability to close the main window to the system tray using the X. Seems that isn't possible with EE and I've closed it completely by accident a few times this evening.
This was added in one of the recent versions: Tools -> Preferences -> Display -> MinimizeOnCloseButton -> set it to True. However, remember that Echo will minimize whenever you click outside of it (or switch to another application). In practice, there is almost never any need to minimize Echo manually, it will minimize itself if you allow it.
And ummm...images. I understand why they're not covered by EE but, for example, my daughter uses this extensively in her college work copying multiple image 'snippets' from the web to put into her assignment documents. Would it not be possible / acceptable to include the functionality in EE even if it's turned off by default?
I'm sorry, but no. There's Ditto and other clipboard extenders that handle images. I wrote Echo specifically for text. It is not a feature I could just add, it was a basic design decision.
Oh....and I can't get the English UK spell checking to work. EE can't find the dictionary...
(a) Are you using the standard or portable version? (Or have you changed from one to the other?)
(b) Does Echo display any other dictionaries (US English, for example)? Or are no dictionaries available at all?
(c) Click Tools -> Database information, and scroll down to the bottom. Near the end of the list you'll see "Spelling dictionary folders". There should be one or two directories listed there. Check if these directories exist and if they contain the dictionaries. If not, you can download and install the dictionaries separately
on the Echo download page.