You can use $$u1 and $$uc in place of $$1 and $$c to have FARR perform urlencoding on the arguments, making them suitable for web searches. (Direct quote from the help file
As a Dane using special non-ascii letters very often, this is very cool and I use it a lot!
But now I wanted to create an alias to search my Gmail. This takes a URL of the form
where my+search+terms+in+utf-8 is in URL encoded
UTF-8 format. And it is the UTF-8 that is the problem.
If I just use ordinary $$u1 like this in my alias:$$u1
and use the alias to search for "særlige ønsker", I get
but then Gmail gets stuck loading and I get an almost blank screen. The functioning URL is
which brings the correct search result.
So I miss being able to tell FARR to URL encode the
UTF-8 encoded equivalent of the search string.
Would it be possible to add something like $$uu1, $$uu2, ..., $$uuc to perform URL encoding of the UTF-8 encoded string?