Dear All,
I am facing some problem and needed the machine to help me remember before I logoff/shutdown.
I do project work at office and home. Same project may be done both at office and home, so for continuity of the work I need to take related files from office to home and back. I use pendrive for it. I have good net connection at office and not-so-good one at home (for obvious reasons). I download files, apps etc. for project and so, and may need the same at home. Same situation from home to office.
Below are the cases I faced for last few days which made me think of making an app for it, "You Have Files".
Case 1:
I did work on project_1, in two separate folders. Hold meeting at separate office which lasted well past office hours. Came back exahusted, shutdown the machine and left for home. Damm it! I missed to copy the two folder files, which I need to continue work on project_1.
Case 2:
I downloaded files, though background download, in separate folder. Forgot about it. Shutdown machine and came back home. Cursing my memory.
Case 3:
Worked till late night at home in project_2. Too sleepy now, copied files in pendrive. Forgot about the auto created folder by my home system. Boss angry, as project_2 needs those files to run.
Case 4:
You got the point.
Since I use pendrive and my home net does not work many times, I would be very glad that the system tells me about the files I have at various folders, before I shutdown. I may not need to copy all files, but may just need to check and delete them.
I searched for the required app but did not find as needed, though many similar ones exist.
My need is as below,
1. Watch given folders, with option for subfolders, for each.
2. Option to check newly added files, may have older file-date but added today (downloaded).
3. Option to zip (may use external) or rename files in specific folders with date-time.
4. Option to move files from specific folder to another one.
5. Option to check specific folder which must always be empty.
6. Should inform with BIG message when I close the program, about files on above conditions/options.
7. Option to show tray message, for specific folder.
8. Option to show 'post-it' note type message, for specific folder.
"Watch Folder" comes close, but do not solve my problem.
Before I pledge to make an app as required, I need your help to point me to any existing app which does all I need and I will use that and will not re-invent the wheel.