Patent laws should have a sanity clause that allows anyone to challenge a patent on the grounds that it is patently bonkers.
-Carol Haynes
You gave me an idea just now - let's request a patent on filing trivial or otherwise cumbersome patents. There's got to be a limit to the amount of fancy wording that one can come up with to describe a trivial single-sentence action.
In other news, I saw this article come by earlier today:
Dutch government: Hollywood approves our copyright plans (Dutch, sorry.)Basically, we get the MPAA head honcho to do some PR on how awesome this new law is and how it should serve as an example for all of Europe. It includes all the standard anti-piracy stuff and goes a few steps further, basically putting our privacy as a second thought to their ability to identify, prosecute and make more money.
Newsflash, dutch government: the MPAA is American, not dutch nor European even, but
American! However, you have been elected by the Dutch, and are expected to do what is in the citizens best interest. But nooo, this state secretary is just setting himself up for a good job in the private sector once his term is over on accounts of having done the American movie industry a couple of favors.
I just hope it is only a single state-persons views this article covers, but either way, it is sickening and disturbing with no end in sight.