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Apostrophes are
supposed to be among the punctuation marks that are automatically shown in plain-text when a new puzzle is presented (i.e., you shouldn't have to guess them).
I've made a small change which should fix this problem. Formerly, the punctuation characters that were
not masked at the beginning of a game were:
public const string Punctuation = "&., !?'(){}[];:\"-/$";
As you can see, I'd inserted an apostrophe using my keyboard apostrophe. However, when I went to the actual text file and looked up the phrase that lost you the game, I found, and copy-pasted into my source code, a slightly different-looking apostrophe symbol:
public const string Punctuation = "&., !?'’(){}[];:\"-/$";
If you look just to the right of the question mark in the code fragment above, you'll see that the question mark symbol is now followed by two (slightly different from each other) apostrophes.
Again, thank you thancock20 for bringing this to my attention. I've updated the program to give you credit as a beta-tester:
My sincere apology that this bug lost you an important game.