If you use "about:blank" in settings to get a chrome based browser to start with a blank page you may notice it comes up with "about:blank" in the Address Bar and the caret at the beginning of the line. It forces you to delete about:blank before you can type in a url or search string.
This little AutoIt3 hack sits in the tray and watches for a window title starting with "about:blank" and window text that's also "about:blank"(the text in the Address Bar.)
If it gets a match it sends keys to remove about:blank allowing you to type stuff in right away. The hack is an AutoIt3 script meaning it runs on Windows XP or later. You can get the AutoIt tools to run and/or compile the script here:
http://www.autoitscr...te/autoit/downloads/This is just a hack until the Chromium guys get around to fixing it.
; Chrome Blanker for Windows XP or later
; For those who start a Chrome based browser
; using about:blank to get a blank page.
; This watches for "about:blank" in both the
; window title and text(the address bar).
; Removes about:blank from address bar.
; This allows you to type in a url or
; search string right away.
; Author: MilesAhead
$title = "about:blank"
$text = "about:blank"
While 1
If WinGetTitle($title, $text) Then
If WinActivate($title, $text) Then
Func _EmptyWorkingSet()
Local $ai_Return = DllCall("psapi.dll", 'int', 'EmptyWorkingSet', 'long', -1)
Return $ai_Return[0]
EndFunc ;==>_EmptyWorkingSet