Well said Darwin! For me it's nothing to do with a "team" or cheering for a particular product or anything remotely like that. I would be happy to leave Apple and their products and customers alone if they'd do the same. But they, their customers, and the press seem to like to talk a lot about how great they are, and when there's a lot of talk about something being the bee's knees that I don't think is even really the bee's anus, I feel compelled to speak up.
It's a basic fairness drive I think; I see it as "unfair" that Apple gets this "free pass" as Darwin put it, while other companies do things that are arguably equally as good, or better, but don't get nearly the level of coverage and respect.
Meanwhile the principles that Apple is supposedly built on are violated constantly by Apple themselves when it suits them. Yes, ease of use and design are king, except when rights management, selling of accessories, or other business interests of Apple's take precedence. USB on iPad? Heck no, we need to sell these cable dongles! And that would be fine, after all pretty much any company puts profit first, what's galling about it is that Apple seems to maintain their "usability first" reputation despite repeated - and sometimes egregious - betrayals of that principle.
- Oshyan