It appears that I'll shortly have need of an
irc client, as well as a
usenet client. Google has not helped. Oh there's information - too damned much of it! - but there's no way I could even begin to evaluate all that I've found before the contract expires
Last time I used either was over a decade ago ... mIRC was about all there was, save for a few homegrown clients, and I cannot begin to recall what I was using then for a news reader.
I'd like to find something reasonably versatile - cross-platform (Win/Linux) would be nice, but not required. Free would be nice, but I'm not averse to a reasonable cost.
ChatZilla looks nice, but I've too many things now that run in a browser - sometimes I need the browser for other things
. I'd really like to find something standalone, desktop client(s). Same for the
usenet client(s). These will be running on Win7 x64 boxes or on an x86 Linux box, prolly Amahi or an Ubuntu variant (although the Linux flavours are subject to adjustment).
I know several of you are involved with
irc, and assume, by corollary, that some of you are also involved with
usenet ... when I was there, one kinda led to the other
Any recommendations would be appreciated - I need shortcuts/pointers at this stage ... I'm over-tested