in a quick first pass, Auspex seems generally well behaved in Forté Agent, and Take Command, and 4NT, and Roboform.
used wizard to create aus -> Auspex; wizard worked nicely for that
in Forté Agent "aus" works as Auspex unless it's fired by anything other than a space, otherwise "auspex"
in JP Software 4NT "aus" works as Auspex unless it's fired by anything other than a space, otherwise "auspex"
in JP Software Take Command "aus" produces auspex (no capitalization) no matter what
minimizing is better on my system (XP SP3)
Auspex now minimizes only to the tray when set to do so
the only way to display the window from the tray is to right-click the "tray icon/show" item; left-clicking does nothing (should it?)
problem with Roboform fixed
pop-up still in the wrong place for stuff like console windows or, say, Adobe Illustrator which has a gazillion text entry points (good luck with that one!)
I guess we're approaching the borders of Kansas, Dorothy.