OK, I'm going to have to call 'uncle' on this.
I still cannot get the damn tooltip to reappear on the Windows logon screen after someone has logged off without the computer having to be restarted.
So despite all the help from SJ, (thanks again), the best I can still come up with is a tooltip on the initial Windows logon screen and a SysTray icon that'll appear whenever anyone logs in, (at least that part worked).
Here's my code so far, there's no need for a service since I can't get anything to work after a log off anyway.
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
$ret = DllCall("WinInet.dll","int","InternetGetConnectedState","int_ptr",0,"int",0) ToolTip("Connected", 0, 0,"Network Status", 1, 5) ToolTip("Not Connected", 0, 0,"Network Status", 3, 5)
Attached is an archive containing the AutoIt3 code, executable and icons (used in the SysTray).
To work out whether there's a network connection all it does is ask Windows every second - this seems to work fine here whether it's wireless or wired. So it'll know whether it's connected or not as soon as Windows knows (in theory). It also means it doesn't need to call third party programs or need network access through a firewall.
You can exit the program by the hotkey combo: Control+Shift+Alt+\ (That should avoid any clashes
Or just kill it in Task Manager.
Set it up in the Group Policy editor as in this
post EXCEPT when it comes to the User Logon script entry, it needs no parameters.
It needs no config file since the only thing configurable would be the hotkey, the executable is the only file required and can be copied to the same places as mentioned in the
Sorry I couldn't give you exactly what you wanted techidave, I'm actually still surprised that Windows allowed me to put anything on the initial logon screen.
It's going to take the likes of mouser or f0dder to solve this problem