Finally got my Desire HD last Friday. So far so good. I also had a chance to compare it to a friend's Samsung Galaxy S that has a Super AMOLED screen. I have to admit that the Samsung screen looks quite a bit nicer (well, more vibrant at least). The Desire HD's screen still looks very good though, if you don't have a direct comparison. And the screen is huge! The phone's form factor is quite nice actually, despite the large screen. Although one handed operation is not very easy.
I very much like Android, for the short experience I have with it. Although I see the problem of putting all eggs into one basket the experience of only having to enter one email address and one password and having all of your contacts, calendar, news feeds (and probably more) is amazing. No other configuration required.
I also like HTC's interface (Sense) and am experimenting with Apps and Widgets now. I'll certainly go and find the respective thread on donationcoder to present my favourites once I've used them a bit more