Transpose Added a new wrinkle for Everything Search interaction. When Shift-Backspace hotkey is hit, the hotkey is either passed on or Everything is launched as before. But now the routine sets a 5 minute timer. During the timer routine, if it detects Everything's Window, it assumes you want to keep using it, so it returns taking no action other than to keep checking every 5 minutes. If the window is not found and Everything process exists, meaning Everything is just sitting in the Tray, the process is closed and the timer routine is canceled.
The zip now includes another exe, NoTrayOrphans.exe, with permission from the author. See the Readme.txt Revisions section. If Everything process is closed this program is called to clear the dead icon from the Task Tray. I'm still testing the orphan cleaner app. If it works well then I'll be including it with other utilities where appropriate. Sure would be nice to finally have a reliable way to get rid of orphan icons.
Edit: I've recompiled the NoTrayOrphans.exe, rezipped and uploaded the new zip. If the one you have does not have the Green 'A' ahk icon, it may not get rid of the tray icon without a mouse over. The new compile seems to work. I haven't changed version number. The only difference is I compiled the orphan program without compression.
IOW, if you have to mouse over to get rid of Everything tray icon, download the zip again.