Someone on another board requested a program to strip those Italic and other angle bracket tags from .srt subtitle files(e.g.
<i>some dialog between</i>) 1.0
It's command line based. It's only designed to remove those one character
open and close tags(e.g.
<x> and </x>.)
See the Readme.txt for particulars.
There are other ways to remove the tags, such as using an editor, but the person requesting the command line app had several hundreds or even thousands of sub files and loading one at a time would be a chore. With this utility, you can process all the .srt files in a folder by opening a command prompt in that folder and running this command line:
for %s in (*.srt) do SrtStrip %s
for each you'll get an output file named
Since every now and then I run into subs where the italic tags just show on screen
I thought I'd knock it off.
I tried using
sed but to get that Linux streaming edit stuff to work on Windows you really need to set up bash or another shell. Otherwise it takes longer to figure out how to work around the incompatibilities than to just program it from scratch. For a one-off it's not worth it.
Anyway, for what it does, it seems to work pretty well. It's just rudimentary. No real error checking. It checks to see if the output file already exists in the current folder, and if so, deletes it before processing the input.
edit: since it's command line based, no gui for screen shot, but here's the program icon.