Since the 'best desktop search' thread is sort of dead, mostly since there's nothing new, I thought I'd start one to list what I really want, and hope something comes close.
- Searches must support phrases, boolean (and/or/not), similarity/fuzzy, near *
- Must be able to define multiple indices, which contain different collections of folders
- Index many sources such as files, email *
- Option to choose fulltext vs file name based on source, so e.g in my start menu I don' care about contents
- Indices must be portable and program must have ability to export/import data
- Limit searches to certain file types/folders/dates *
- real time updates *
- much faster instant updates based on e.g. MFT
- support for offline catalogs and sources
- synchronize across multiple pc's
- saved searches *
- federated searches (search across intranet, databases etc) *
- customizable caching strategy and speed vs size options
- Find As You Type
- previews for all common file types, support for IFilter *
- group search results based on multiple criteria such as location/similarity
- drill down into existing searches
- search results visualization using 3d graphics, full fidelity previews and sorting/filtering
- good integration (like Spotlight) into all applications and OS (explorer, start menu)
- modular, programmable, command line support, scriptable, extensible
- open source (yes I had to throw this in here!)
- portable
- speed speed speed
(* = features already present or even common)
So what we're talking about here is the unholy love child of WDS, X1 search, Everything and Cathy
I don't think any of this needs tech that is not available or is too hard. Someone just needs to make a usable interface which admittedly is a hard problem and then focus on performance.