I have this litle gui that I want to grab some links out of a txt file they are like this in the file:
So anyways I want to have each link go into each editbox 7 of them.
Then edit the urls in the editboxs and have the save button save it back to the url.txt file.
So I can change the url links in the txt file.
Been trying this but I suck at this coding. lol
;;fill from url.txt
Gui, Add, Text, x130 y62 w100 h30 , Link 1
Gui, Add, Text, x130 y97 w100 h20 , Link 2
Gui, Add, Text, x130 y137 w100 h20, Link 3
Gui, Add, Text, x130 y177 w100 h20, Link 4
Gui, Add, Text, x130 y217 w100 h20, Link 5
Gui, Add, Text, x130 y257 w100 h20, Link 7
Gui, Add, Text, x130 y297 w100 h20, Link 8
Gui, Add, Edit, x166 y57 w250 h30,
Gui, Add, Edit, x166 y97 w250 h30,
Gui, Add, Edit, x166 y137 w250 h30,
Gui, Add, Edit, x166 y177 w250 h30,
Gui, Add, Edit, x166 y217 w250 h30,
Gui, Add, Edit, x166 y257 w250 h30,
Gui, Add, Edit, x166 y297 w250 h30,
Gui, Add, Button, x50 y337 w100 h30, Save
Gui, Add, Text, x196 y7 w140 h30,Link Editor
Gui, Show, x249 y99 h388 w452, Link Editor
Anyone feel like helping me code this.
Thanks for the help