Looking for software to track downloads to desktop or laptop box.
- Track all downloads of software or documents except Web pages & the like
- Create real-time log including item name, type, source URL, date, time (optional, but handy), comments
- Store (database or [text] file) download history by date with read/unread flags
- Editor for selected date file - add/modify comments, flag as read/unread
- Searchable across dates for name, type, comment content, date range(?)
FlashGet (formerly JetCar?)- v1.9, as I didn't like the logging of the newer versions - provides some of what I seek - the detail record is very nice, but may be overkill - however, the information is not readily editable after the fact of the download, and it tracks only the downloads run through its interface.
I've seen a few other download managers with some logging capability, but they log only what comes through their interface.
This app needs to be able to record downloads regardless the downloading vehicle. It should recognize downloads initiated by any browser - or any application update procedure - without recording Web pages and the like. For instance, it should recognize and record FTP or HTTP downloads, but ignore the browsing maintenance pages, e.g., the actual Web data required for browser display. I hope that made sense.
On any given day, I am like to download up to fifty-sixty files. Sometimes more, sometimes far fewer, but fifty is about as close as I can calculate w/o having some sort of historical record. As I review these files, I need to be able to record some result of that review and have them removed from the active list. I also need some way to check to see if I've already downloaded - yesterday, last week, last month ... - a particular file, then decide whether it should be downloaded again.
I was doing all this manually with a PHP 4.? script, an old MySQL database, and several different text files. The process has been untenable for a while, but I could find nothing better. Now, PHP and MySQL have both been upgraded, and the process is broken. The script will not run under PHP 5.x, or perhaps it cannot talk to the newer version of MySQL - or both. I've looked at the script - although I'm not allowed to edit it
- and it is a real hodgepodge, so even if allowed, I'd spend more time editing than creating something new - assuming, or course, that I could.
All my searches have turned up are ways, scripts, applications to record downloads from a Web site or server in order to amass/analyze statistical data. I cannot seem to find anything that works more or less in reverse, that tracks
to rather than
Anyone aware of such a beast? Or, perhaps, an amalgam that might replicate these tasks with less effort or time consumed?
Edit: upload tracking would be nice, as well, but down is the primary need.