This may help :
local pid, hMem, pv, pidl, pidl?, explorerPath
If (A_OSType = "WIN32_NT")
pid := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
SendMessage 0x400 + 12 ; CWM_GETPATH = WM_USER + 12
, pid, 0, , ahk_id %_hWnd%
hMem := ErrorLevel
if (hMem != 0)
pv := DllCall("Shell32\SHLockShared"
, "UInt", hMem, "UInt", pid)
if (pv != 0)
pidl := DllCall("Shell32\ILClone", "UInt", pv)
DllCall("Shell32\SHUnlockShared", "UInt", pv)
, "UInt", hMem, "UInt", pid)
Else ; Win9x
SendMessage 0x400 + 12 ; CWM_GETPATH = WM_USER + 12
, 0, 0, , ahk_id %_hWnd%
pidl? := ErrorLevel
if (pidl? != 0)
pidl := DllCall("Shell32\ILClone", "UInt", pidl?)
DllCall("Shell32\ILGlobalFree", "UInt", pidl?)
VarSetCapacity(explorerPath, 512, 0)
, "UInt", pidl, "Str", explorerPath)
Return explorerPath
;-- Example of use
hWnd := WinExist("A")
WinGetClass wClass, ahk_id %hWnd%
If (wClass != "ExploreWClass" and wClass != "CabinetWClass")
MsgBox Use this only with a Windows Explorer window!
MsgBox % GetWindowsExplorerPath(hWnd)
I observed I need to use the script from inside each folder.