haha the first time I read your post I dint notice your URL .. I thought you were insulting me !! haha
remember my eyes are suffering here ... the gama apps you gave do darken the colors but evidently the radiation is still too much for my eyes (too many hours programming probly as well as brightness)
Yes it would be easy to add a simple off for a blind person who does not want others watching his screen (or a guy with a nosey gf/wife/others) and wants a hotkey to rapidly turn the thing off for privacy HAHAHAHAHA!
Thanks for that input and yes I am still pursuing the solution and yes I will add the "quick off" option. Great idea really cuz I hate the Windows "standby" since it disconnects you from the net, terminates app progress and simply is useless and a total annoyance to me so I terminate that whenever I use the computer.
I do have a question, ummmm a thought. If he is blind and does not need the monitor at all why does he not simply disconnect the graphic card, or unplug the florescent tube jack inside his PC/notebook?
I repeat (haha) the "off/on" toggle option is a great idea for those wanting "sudden privacy" or a goof like me doing long hours of programming and needs to go do *other* things for some minutes and allow processing to continue. In this line of thinking perhaps it would be best to have a password along with the "off"?