Hi, first of all - I want someone to do exactly as I want and not to make any external ideas up or ask why i want it like so etc...
So, sorry bout that - to the topic:
I want a simple C++ example (with includings and stuff - a fully working program) which asks user a number and saves it TO THE EXE, TO A INI-FILE or TO A TXT FILE - or all 3.
But inorder to test this data-reading, I want it so - that when the program starts, it prints a list where user can read the saved numbers and after press of an enter, it will ask new number, saves that and again on startup it creates the list an so on...
I don`t need encryption, or security - I`ll do it later if I want, just give me example of that.
I would mostly want example of saving to exe and txt-file, ini is not so important.
Remember to test it, lol - so i dont have to reply with bugreport.