That's fair trade.-Stoic Joker
Not to be confused with FairTrade, which means paying more for less, for all those smug bastards.-f0dder
Didn't see that one coming ... But it figures
they'd find a way to screw that up too.
Kinda reminds me of a rant I did quite frequently (years ago) when somebody annoyed me by quipping "That's not Fair" once too often.
[Rant] (As best I can remember it):
Fair? Where do you get the inaine idea that fair has anything to do with a equitable split of anything?!?
Fair only has 3 possible usages:
1. Fare as in what one must pay for a service (e.g. Cab Fare).
2. Fair as in County fair - the point of which is to funnel visitors (in cattle chute fashion) through the midway...Where cleverly designed games entice you into screwing yourself.
3. Fair as in trial. Now, given that it's a game of 50/50, the only thing for sure, is somebody is going to lose. And said loser will never be happy about it.
Hence in reality (and by definition) fair/fare actually means (quite simply) that somebody is gone get the shaft & somebody
else is gone be holding the handle.
So yeah, you missed the handle this trip pal - Sorry 'bout your luck - Just quit whining about
it not being "
[/rant] Note: the original version usually contained a level of profanity consistent with my mood at the time.
Mind you this isn't directed at anyone, I just thought I'd share it as it came to mind.