Nice little app. Thanks!

Few suggestions though..
1.) Fix the about window text, wordwrap it or make window bigger so all text is readable, without having to enlarge.
2.) "Check For Updates" requires DcUpdater so how about if user downloads it and copies it to the same folder as your app then use it there. That is simply check if DcUppdater exits in the current bath.
Atm if I extract DcUpdater to same folder it works, but if in sub folder it does not. Problem with extracting to same folder is that DcUppdater then shows BootSnooze and itself twice.
3.) "Delay before reboot" has zero as default. Perhaps 1 is more save as default value?
4.) "RunOnce" entry is not removed if user cancels the operation. It should be.
5.) Verify that hibernation has not been disabled.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power]
If that is the value of the registry key then hibernation has been disabled. Thus the option to hibernate should be switched to "Enable Hibernation". Then if the user clicks that then change it back to Hibernate button.
To enable hibernation change the key to:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power]
Differences highlighted.
Though if user is running vista or windows 7 then simply issue "powercfg.exe /hibernate on" and "powercfg -h on".
6.) Speaking of hibernation, check to see if user is running vista or windows 7 and if so then run "powercfg /a" internally and decide which methods to use are best.