... in a couple of areas.
Folk, I'm looking for a couple of things, one software, the other almost certainly hardware, but they [will] both serve the same purpose.
I get a lot of email with embedded audio/video (a/v) over which I have little control. Same thing with a lot of Web sites. The audio portion starts automatically, with no concern as to my volume settings, and frequently w/o any controls to mitigate the volume or even stop the a/v.
Nothing I've encountered allows me to preset the volume on my machine such that all audio is presented at a consistent level, something between preset lower & upper levels.
Now, in line with that, I have a cable TV problem that is similar. One channel comes in at a whisper, another at a boom. While I don't expect a resolution for that, I thought I'd mention it.
Back to the PC issue, there are several apps that allow volume moderation during some ripping or conversion process. However, there doesn't seem to be any sort of volume regulator that will take any audio input and apply specified min/max values. This could be a significant issue were I to be working in the baby's room, or perhaps on the bed next to a sleeping spouse (neither of which I currently have, just painting a recognizable situation) and the sound flares up w/o warning.
So, since my search skills seem inadequate to the task, I thought I'd broach the topic here and pray for serendipity.