Recent ramblings led me to sites that talked about 'uploading for cash'. Now, I realize they are probably mostly, if not all, warez doodz uploading pirated movies/software and being paid by the filesharing companies for every 1000 downloads, 10000 downloads, whatever. But how are the filesharing companies making their money? I've never had occasion to download from the ones that claim such high pay rates (some claim $10-15 per 1000 downloads), so I don't know what rigmarole they put the downloader through, but it can't possibly be just ads. Surely if ad impressions paid that high the issue of how to pay for small-shop/side-job software would never even be debated.
Are they requiring downloaders to take surveys or some such thing?
Or am I completely off base in my assumptions? Is $15 per 1000 ad impressions actually normal, and just sounds fantastic to me because I'm broke?
If they are not requiring anything too onerous, might that be a possibility for micropayment of software authors in the future? Host your software with one of these filesharing outfits, the software could remain free, the user doesn't have to do anything but download the software (no digging out the credit card), the download makes the author some money. Maybe not much money; most of the sites I skimmed (like ziddu) did not offer that top end rate, they were more like $1 per 1000 downloads. Still, that would be something; certainly more than you would get hosting pure freeware on your own site.