So, I lost my palm pilot (it got run over, actually

). My single favorite thing about the palm is its ability to remind me, and until I got a replacement I needed a way of "placing a stake in the ground" to help me track what is coming up. I use evernote as my chief planning tool, but it is stronger at looking backward than at looking forward.

MiniMinder: lightweight reminder with some special features
MiniMinder, by vellosoft, is really great at filling that gap. It is a simple reminder program with a small footprint, that is easy to edit and actually does at least one thing that much more complicated programs don't. It not only tells me whose birthday is coming up, but which one.
I have used this program before, but I frankly didn't like its appearance. It has been updated since then with a full set of customization tools

MiniMinder: lightweight reminder with some special features
and now supports window XP skins, as well as some of its own. It also now allows you to use any existing mp3 file as an alarm.