If the education system in Germany failed to teach you why English has become dominant, I'm certainly not going to try to do so.-bcpaladin
The education system in Germany currently tries to teach young children British English. While I thought that B.E. is not
so popular at all, the main problem is that not everybody will work for an IT company in his forthcoming life, so basically he should be taught to speak good German when talking to other Germans.
Standards are alright, but the language I communicate in is not standardized, it is chosen individually. The new German foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, forced a scandal when a British journalist wanted to ask him in English during a German press conference and he just said "we're in Germany here". Now try to imagine the other way: A German journalist trying to talk German to an English politician in England (or, let's say,
the States). What would you say?
I just can't stand my fellow men talking Denglish all day. It is, surely, a culture loss.
The lowest floor of a shopping center in Brunswick is called the "basement" (yep, basement, not "Keller", "Untergeschoss" or whatever). Car manufacturers add "engine start/stop" labels to the control panel while they, interesting!, add French labels for French cars. I wonder why everyone accepts that in France they speak French but they expect
us to talk English instead of German.
Still talking about arrogance? Oh, come on!